
Seznam Zprávy is visited by 5 million people a week

They view 35 million pages and play 2 million videos. Of these 60% are men.

Image: Example of Seznam Zprávy

Why advertise on Seznam Zprávy

  • The most visited online video news portal

    A news portal with an emphasis on video and live broadcasts, watched by 5 million people every week. Respected journalists provide original content, interviews, analyses and investigative journalism .

  • Banners and video ads

    Besides banners, videos are the main method of advertising. Audiovisual ads generate more emotions and are more memorable.

  • Advanced targeting

    Your ads can be targeted to specific regions or behaviours, only to viewers with these interests and purchasing behaviours. This provides a major boost to the efficiency of your ads.

  • To build your brand and increase sales

    You can pick from many ad formats of various sizes and locations. Some are better at enhancing brand awareness; others sell.

  • Half of readers are on mobile

    50% of people access Seznam Zprávy from mobile devices, corresponding to 2,5 million real users a week. If you only want to target only those users, you can choose to show your ads on mobile devices only.