
72% of people looking for real estate search on Sreality

Sell or rent your property on the most visited real estate portal. You will reach 72% of people looking for the sale / purchase of habitation and real estate. Most often in the age group 25-44 years.


  • From single rooms to large development projects

    You can offer anything from a single room to hundreds of apartments.

  • No registration fees

    You pay for the advertised real property. There are no additional fees for more pictures or a longer description.

  • New ads are immediately visible

    Recently added ads are displayed on top of the homepage. And with the “top boost” service, you can send your ad back to the top at any time.

  • You can target specific regions.

    Your ad can be targeted only to the region or city where you operate.

  • You have full control

    You decide how much you want to invest in your ads. You can change the text and pictures at any time.

  • Thanks to statistics, you can monitor everything

    You always know how many people saw your ad and how many asked for a quote. This way, you can easily evaluate the benefits of advertising.

  • One half of mobile users

    53% of people search on mobile, which corresponds to 368 thousand real users a week. If you only want to target only those users, you can choose to show your ads on mobile devices only.